About Us
My name is Maria Doni. I am agronomist and I live in Nea Artaki a picturesque little town in Greece. Based on my knowledge about the process of creating traditional handmade soaps, I established my own family company in 2014. It is about a small company were all the members of my family contribute with enthusiasm to the production, filling and packaging of our natural handmade soaps. During the production we follow the traditional cold process in order to keep intact the precious elements of the natural compounds that we use, which are beneficial for the skin and hair.
Our formula is based on pure Greek oil in combination with natural vegetable extracts, herbs infusions, plant oils and essential oils, most of all derived from Greek inexhaustible flora. In particular the origin of chamomile and calendula oil is from local herbs which are handpicked by ourselves. All the soaps are handmade from production to packaging. As we say, none of our soaps is like the other. They are developed in such a way that they do not contain any kind of preservatives, animal products nor synthetic raw ingredients, but natural compounds from renewable sources.
Wanting to show my sensitivity to the great environmental problem that has been arised from the ever-increasing demand for palm oil from industries, (resulting in deforestation), I do NOT use PALM OIL, palm kernel oil or hidden derivatives in my soaps. In this way, I want to contribute to tackle this serious problem and I am proud to call myself "Rainforest Friendly".
Finally, we are proud members of organization 1% FOR THE PLANET. With every soap that you purchase from us, you will be giving back! One percent of your purchase will be used towards an environmental nonprofit, to address what we consider to be the greatest challenge to our world and our investments this century – climate change.